Are your fish stressed because you’re not using the proper water conditioner?

Q. I’m confused when it comes to water conditions that make my tap water safe for my fish when I do water changes. Some products say “removes chlorine” some say “removes chlorine and destroys chloramines” others say “removes chlorine and ammonia”. How important is it and what kind do I need?

A. You never know how much “treatment” (chlorine, chloramines and more) your local water department uses to keep your drinking water safe. If they have a high bacteria reading, they will add a higher amount of “treatment” to make sure your drinking is safe to drink.

Some days the “treatment” could be very strong, other days not as much. My Mother has “City Water” and some days when you open the tap for a glass of water it smells and taste like a bottle of bleach!

Every city water department is different, so when you hear someone saying that they never worry about adding “tap water” to their pond without using a good water conditioner first, beware!

It’s just a matter of time when these pond keepers will pay for their mistake with the death of their fish. All it will take is just, that one day, when their local water department greatly increases the “treatment” of their tap water in order to make it safe to drink.

I know, because I had two pond keepers phone me this year with a 100% fish kill. They did not know what caused the problem, after a few questions, the problem was, not using a water conditioner when changing their water. They both had “City Water” and neither one never had a problem before.

Note: If you have “well water” with no “heavy metals” and you drink your water, you don’t need a water conditioner. “City Water” drinkers will envy you and so will their fish!!

The main compound in most chlorine neutralizers is Sodium Thiosulfate, the “Pro” it’s very, very cheap. The “Con” this chemical only removes chlorine, however, it will breakdown “chloramines”. The problem is chloramines are made up of chlorine and ammonia.

When you only remove the chlorine from the chloramines it leaves the ammonia in your pond water. The ammonia left behind from the chloramines can be toxic especially with large water changes. This is one reason why using a water conditioner that removes chlorine and ammonia is the best for the health of your fish.

If you’re doing a 50% water change or more DOUBLE your dosage of water conditioner. Never worry about adding a little extra water conditioner to your pond water just to be safe. Add the water conditioner to your pond right before you add the new water.

Our Aqua Meds DeChlor & More removes Ammonia, Chlorine and Chloramines. Plus, the price is right!

Note: Some water conditioners, including DeChlor & More will give you a false ammonia reading if you use a Nessler’s type (Nessler’s is not a name of a kit) ammonia test kit. We recommend the API liquid ammonia test kit made by Mars.

VERY IMPORTANT!!: You also should test your Tap Water for ammonia KH (alkalinity) and pH.

Thank you for your time,


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